Monday, April 18, 2016

Week of Service in Conclusion

That's it!

With the celebration concluded, that's it! Week of Service celebration, done. Over 1,500 hours of volunteer effort was given; hopefully, you checked out the white board of thanks in the library today.

The Juniors will reflect on the event and decide what we try for next year, but for Seniors, that was the end of your NHS experience. All hours and meetings are due Friday, May 6th.

Members who were able to make Saturday's event received a commemorative T-shirt. 

These will live in my advisory room (Mr. Dempsey's office). If you didn't get yours and you would like one, stop by during advisory and pick one up. Only stop by advisory hours so that I can check you off accurately.

And with that, Seniors, I am removing you from NHS updates. You will no longer get blog posts in your email or texts from Remind. You may hear from me individually regarding your membership status, but other than that. You're done!

Get your hours in.

May 6th.

Do it.

Thanks for the ride Seniors, it's been meant a pretty b16 deal to me.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Last Day!

Check out the collection of non-perishables on their way to New Horizons yesterday afternoon:

Good luck to our last two groups headed out to Bedford Hills and Elliot Hospital today!

We bring it all home tonight at 6 pm in the Commons.

Event Leaders, update the hours as soon as you can!

Friday, April 15, 2016

No morning meet-up, next meeting tomorrow

There was no morning meeting ever scheduled for Friday, our next "meeting" is tomorrow at 6 in the Commons at the celebration event.

Broke 1,000!

Got a mention in the pape!

Food drive going strong!

Last school day of this crazy week. Hold your head up!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

5 Important Midweek Announcements

  1. You are getting noticed. As I've mentioned to many of you, it's hard for me to be everywhere at once. But, I am starting to get teachers and administrators like Mrs. Magnusson, Sra. Sarsfield, Dean Blaney, and Mr. Jozokos checking in with me and telling me that you guys are everywhere and doing great. It's a lot of time and energy, but Juniors, you are molding our chapter with your vision, and Seniors, you are going out with a memorable bang. Awesome, thank you.
  2. RSVP for Saturday. Check your Schoogle account and RSVP to our Saturday party. When we started planning, wasn't sure if Saturday was going to work, and now it appears that I have 450 slices of pizza ordered for 13 students. I hope you're hungry! In all seriousness, I really hope you can come. We'll be done by 8, promise.
  3. Tomorrow's meet-up is half hour earlier. If you want breakfast snacks and a meeting credit, tomorrow's meet-up is 7am - 7:30am. There's donut holes, granola bars, fruit, and orange juice. Say hello.
  4. Update our scoreboard. Project leaders, upload how many hours BHS students have contributed to your event today. That spreadsheet is here.
  5. Sign-up for State Spring Conference. This is a reminder that you must decide by Thursday if you want to join NHS on a field trip to Colby-Sawyer on Friday, May 20th. RSVP here.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Peer Tutoring Update

For all of you who signed up to help out with the peer tutoring project, thanks so much! So you know where to meet, here are the classrooms where you can meet with your groups:

  • Mme. Noble's french class: room 303 
  • Mrs. Hinz's math class: room 347 
  • Mrs. Sarsfield's Spanish class: room 321 
  • Mrs. Magnusson's In Writing class: room 121 

We currently have no volunteers for Mrs. Hinz's math modeling class which is a problem since I will have to tell her by tomorrow that we have to cancel, and I really hope we will not have to do that! I know math doesn't sound like fun but Mrs. Hinz promised it would be easy work that day and I really need your help, so please sign up!!! 

Also, we only have one student coming in for the Wednesday R4 and Thursday R2 french classes, so please sign up for those! Of course, we could use more volunteers in other classes as well, but these are the classes where we are most desperate.

Thanks, guys!

To get your hours, click on the links below for the classes you volunteered in. Your hours can count for either peer tutoring or chapter service hours, but not both. Just write your name in the respective sheet to get your hours!


Dodgeball sign ups for the next three days


New Horizons Drive

Hello everyone! Erica Sherman and I are doing a drive for New Horizons. There is a list of items needed on Facebook so if you want to donate, please bring these items to room 304 during whatever time is best for you and sign your name and however many items that you brought on the sheet on the back table. You will get an hour for 3 items since they are small items. Very easy way to get hours. Thank you :)

End of Make-A-Wish Star Sale

Hi, could everyone who sold Make-A-Wish Stars return the money that you collected to the ziplock bag in the cooking classroom (122 I believe) in a sealed ziplock with your name on it? If you did not sell the stars that you took please return them to the bag within a ziplock bag with your name on it. Also, for those who haven't specifically signed their name on the chapter service sheet that is now in the bag, could you do so? I would like to submit the chapter sheet by Wednesday to ensure that Seniors get their hours. Thank you!
Isabelle Kapoian
BHS Wish Club President

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Week of Service starts tomorrow

As a reminder here is tomorrow's schedule:

April 11
7:00 AM
7:30 AMNHS Morning Meet-Up
Library Conference Room (7:30am)
Block 1
7:55am - 9:17am
9:21am - 9:46am
Formal Dress Drive Collection in Advisory 9:15am-9:45am
New Horizons Supply Drive Room 304 9:15am-9:45am
Grades 9 & 10 LYBW Kick-Off
Block 2
9:50am - 11:12am
Block 3
11:16am - 1:08pm
1000 Paper Cranes Bulldog Corner 11:16am-1:08pm
Relay for Life: Suns and Moons Sale Bulldog Corner 11:16am-1:08pm
Send a Compliment, Save a Life
Bulldog Corner
Block 4
1:13pm - 2:35pm
BHS Bake-off Library 1:30-6:00pm
2:30 PM
3:00 PM
Be Your Family's Energy Watchdog Sign-up to Pledge Individuals' Homes 3pm-8pm
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
8:00 PM

Part of our job as the leaders of this week is to generate interest and excitement. If we believe this week is a fun and important thing to do, it will become one. Feel free the snap, insta, and tweet what you're doing this week and #NHSWOS it up. 

I got a neat opportunity to share my thoughts with Unleashed this evening, and I was asked to share how I perceived the event so far. I thought it would be interesting for you to hear what I had to say. My honest answer follows:

How have you perceived student reactions so far? (In terms of preparation, volunteer involvement or anything else)
My perception right now is that the students who want to make something out of this event are the ones getting the most out of it. Since we've never done it before, I'm asking for a lot of trust from students as I promise that this will be worth our time. So, students that have taken on project ideas or helped with the website or schedule are the ones that are feeling the most fulfilled right now by what they are accomplishing (albeit stressed). But, there is a significant portion of our membership that is still waiting to see if it's worth their time and my hope is that by celebration time on Saturday, they will have found a way to get involved and feel that their membership has been validated. 

My other concern is that with so many projects demanding student volunteers, we may be stretched a bit thin. However, I remind myself that we have only 12 events planned while we have over 100 Juniors and over 90 Seniors to help. Even if every current member chose only 1 of the 12 events to be a part of, we'd still have nearly 10 students per project to get the job done! It's going to come down to a commitment to the cause on an individual basis. I hope Juniors are planning to make a great first impression, and I hope Seniors are planning to go out on a real high note. It's going to take all of us!

In short, we're the ones in control of our success or failure. I'm pretty excited about it.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Relay for Life Sign Up

Every day during block 3 over the Week of Service, Relay for Life will have a table set up in bulldog corner where Relay for Life Suns and Moons will be sold. These are a similar concept to the Make-A-Wish stars. As the week goes on, suns and moons will be sold and hung in Bulldog Corner to make a "Wall of Hope". The goal of this event is to gain more awareness for the Relay for Life Event. Relay for Life is a subdivision of the American Cancer Society, a non-profit organization that helps fund cancer research. By purchasing a sun or moon, you can help the fight against cancer. We need people to run this table throughout the week. You can sign up for as many or as few slots as you want, and hours will be given out for the amount of time that you work. If you know friends who are not in NHS, but would like to contribute their time, feel free to pass this sign up on to them! Let's have a great Week of Service! :)

Link to Sign Up:
Kenzie Kearns and Ricky Salvatore
BHS Relay for Life Leadership

Historian Update

Hello everyone! As I mentioned during our mandatory meeting, I am still in need for pictures for our end of the year celebration. If you have any photos that were taking during an chapter or individual service opportunity, please send them to me. I want to create a slideshow that incorporates various members and events that have occurred throughout the year, and so far I haven't received very many. So please send them to me as soon as possible, thank you! :) Email:
Julienne Mumpini

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Carlyle Place Sign up

Our Week of Service project is a visit to the Carlyle Place on Friday the 15th, starting at 3 and ending at around 4:30. We would greatly appreciate you coming to this event and helping out! However, there is a limited capacity. Due to this, we have created a spreadsheet and it will be a first come first serve sign up process.

The link is below: 

Thank you!
Elizabeth Murray and Clare Zarka

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

BHS McDonough Book Drive

BHS is hosting a CAS book drive for McDonough School in Manchester during the week of April 11th to the 15th and donations from members would be wonderful!!! Any NHS member who donates 3 or more books can receive 30 minutes of NHS individual service. Also, we are looking for 3-4 students who are interested in coming to McDonough school during the 4th block of April 15th to help read to a 1st grade class. Students are required to have their own transportation to the school (ie they own a car and have it with them at school). Please contact William Ebert at or William Ebert in person to let us know if you are interested or would like more information. Thanks!!!!
William Ebert

1000 Paper Cranes Lunch Sign Up

Hello! We are running a service project for Week of Service called 1000 Paper Cranes. There is an Asian folk story that says that if you fold 1000 origami paper cranes, you will get a wish. Often, this wish is used for good health or good fortune, so for this project, we are going to set up a table in Bulldog Corner during lunches throughout the week, where people can come to help fold paper cranes. We will aim to fold as many paper cranes as possible, and then on Saturday 4/16, we will deliver them to the Elliot Hospital in Manchester to decorate the main lobby and wish the patients good health! While experience folding paper cranes is helpful, we will have directions available, and we can teach anyone who would like to learn in person. Attached is the sign-up form for lunches--just fill out your name in the lunch block(s) you would like to help out! Thanks!
Nina Levine and Kyra Smith
Coordinating Members

Helping Our Nursing Home: Volunteers Needed

We are looking for volunteers to come to the local nursing homes! We will be meeting at the Hillsborough County nursing home (400 Mast road, Goffstown NH) on Wednesday the 13th from 3:30-4:30pm and the Bedford Hills Center (30 Colby Ct, Bedford NH) on Saturday from 9:00am-1:00pm. Sign ups will be done in one hour shifts so you can come for however long you would like! We will be doing lots of crafts and games with the residents come ready to have fun and help make someone's day! There is a link below to sign up, just add your name under the shift you would like to sign up for.

Space is limited, so sign up!
Bridget Healy, Claire Ling, Ellen Harnsberger, Bobby Brockway, and Lindsey Beaudoin

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Go Through the Motions of Promotions

Our schedule is now up in five places around the school:

  • Across from the main office
  • Across from our bulletin board
  • Across from the Commons
  • 2nd floor stairwell
  • Across from 3rd floor teacher offices
Lookin' Official
You can bring exposure to your event, and add to the visual appeal of our schedule, by posting any approved flyers you have right on the border of the big poster (like "NEXT WEEK" is above). This will add to the sense that something is happening... in 6 days.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Sunday, April 3, 2016

It's Happening!!

I am very excited. I am very stressed. I am very excited.

The Week of Service begins in 8 Days!


You know how I know the exact day count? Check out this laser hot website made by our own Natalie Kelley: It has a super awesome, super scary countdown right in the corner!

This is the URL we'll start throwing around the building as non-NHS students start to wonder how they can get involved in our event.

If you're a project leader who would like to get more info on to our website, or if you would like to get involved with helping build the website, please email Natalie.


Our master schedule continues to look ice cool. (Look, I don't know, I just try to make these fun and worth your time.) Please double check Molly's awesome work one more time:

I'd like to print this schedule fourth block tomorrow on poster sized paper, so there's only a little time left to get this right. If we've accidentally coded your group's activity with a different membership restriction, there's only so much time left to let Molly know!

8 Days

Peer Tutoring Project Update

For the peer tutoring project mentioned in the last post, we have added a new opportunity to come to Mrs. Magnusson's In Writing class during R1 on Tuesday the 12th. You can sign up for this using the link to the google doc in the previous post. Also, the date for peer tutoring in Mme. Noble's classes has changed. The Wednesday S3 and S4 opportunities will stay the same, but Mme. Noble has requested to move the R2 class to Thursday the 14th, not Tuesday.

Please sign up!
Alyssa Monteith

Editorial from Mr. Ahnert: Alyssa and her team's project idea won't work without us actually going into these teacher's classrooms. Please consider giving your time to this very visible NHS event.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Peer Tutoring Opportunities for the Week of Service

Hi, guys!

For a week of service project I am organizing some peer tutoring opportunities that you can sign up for to help out in other class rooms during the day.

The events that I have planned so far include:

  • helping Mrs. Hinz's Math Modeling class during the S2 block on Wednesday the 13th, 
  • and helping Mme. Noble's French III class for blocks 3 and 4 on that same day. 
  • You can also sign up for peer editing in Mrs. Sarsfield's spanish classes on R3 and R4 blocks on Tuesday the 12th, 
  • as well as another opportunity to go to to Mme. Noble's class during R2 of that Tuesday. 
There are more requests coming in from teachers, so I will keep you up to date when we finalize those plans. If you have a free block during any of these times, please come in to help! We need as many volunteers as we can get because the program cannot work without you guys!

If you are planning to help out, please type your name in this Google doc for the classes that you will be participating in so I can give you credit for your hours. Thanks!

Sign Up:
Alyssa Monteith
event organizer